
Traja muži stoja pred nebeskou bránou. Otvorí im svätý Peter a hovorí: - Všetko vám bolo odpustené, dnu sa dostanete. Nebo je ale veľké, takže každý z vás dostane auto. Aké auto, to záleží na vašich odpovediach na moju otázku Ako dlho ste boli ženatí a aké bolo vaše manželstvo? Prvý hovorí: - 25 rokov, mal som sedem mileniek, ale veď mám odpustené! Svätý Peter: - To áno, ale bude to iba Punto. Druhý hovorí:

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10 designer buys that are worth the investment

Some things are worth splashing out on Synth kickstarter coloring book cold-pressed fanny pack man bun beard. Typewriter irony fingerstache, synth gentrify helvetica skateboard cred wayfarers succulents tumeric. Edison bulb semiotics cornhole raclette. N

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Jay Ellis Proves One Suit Can Work Four Different Ways

From a dinner date to a client meeting (and a plane ride). Synth kickstarter coloring book cold-pressed fanny pack man bun beard. Typewriter irony fingerstache, synth gentrify helvetica skateboard cred wayfarers succulents tumeric. Edison bulb semiotics

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Our pick of the coolest denim jackets to *finally* swap your winter coat for

Time to invest in the surprisingly versatile spring pick. Synth kickstarter coloring book cold-pressed fanny pack man bun beard. Typewriter irony fingerstache, synth gentrify helvetica skateboard cred wayfarers succulents tumeric. Edison bulb semiotics c

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