Fingerprint patterns in relation to an altered neurodevelopment in patients with autism spectrum disorder

AUTORI: Kyselicová, K., Dukonyová, D., Belica, I., Ballová Sónak D., Jankovičová, V., Ostatníková, D. ABSTRAKT: Dermatoglyphic patterns are permanently established and matured before the 24th week of gestation. Their frequencies and localization might be a good indicator of developmental instability in individuals with an altered neurodevelopment and show potential as biomarkers of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In this study, fingerprint pattern counts and fluctuating asymmetry in the distribution of patterns are compared between 67 boys diagnosed with ASD (aged 5.11 ± 2.51 years) and 83 control boys (aged 8.58 ± 3.14 years). Boys with ASD had a higher rate of discordance in their fingerprint patterns (p = .0026), showing more often bilateral differences in the occurrence of certain patterns. A chi-square test revealed that the difference in pattern frequencies between boys with ASD and the control group is the most significant in frequencies of whorls, tented arches, and ulnar loops. Boys with ASD have significantly fewer ulnar loops, significantly more whorls, and tented arches in the right hand. The achieved results are in favor of the suggestion that prenatal influences, which play a role in the development of bilateral differences in fingerprint patterns up to the 24th week of gestation, may be a potential cause of an altered neurodevelopment in ASD individuals. Developmental Psychobiology, 65, e22432

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Plasma cytokine concentrations of children with autism spectrum disorder and neurotypical siblings

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