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Emerging technologies converge with urban planning

As emerging technologies converge with urban planning, a revolution of automated, on-demand and ownerless transport beckons. But is the concept of an intelligent city network a deliverable reality, or just sci-fi fantasy? Yet, according to Siemens senior

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Here’s why our new facility will change everything

Although we have only seen the beginning, one thing is already clear: the Fourth Industrial Revolution is the greatest transformation human civilization has ever known. As far-reaching as the previous industrial revolutions were, they never set free such

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Emerging trends and innovations in concrete

White cement is the key ingredient in decorative concrete. New coloring agents and admixtures help create beautiful structures and landscapes. Imagine the possibilities! Click here for more on decorative concrete. With the explosive growth in high-rise re

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Global Industrial helps save on equipment and industrial supplies

Video credit Global Industrial helps businesses save on their equipment and industrial supplies. They make it extremely easy for businesses of any size to shop online using devices of their choice. From product research to procurement, they have experts t

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7 contemporary trends redefining business architecture

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Raw materials: aluminum, steel and composite materials

The designer of easy aircraft to use composite fibers in the desired direction, and where exactly in the required quantity. The fibers are embedded in a resin to remain in position and provide the necessary support against deformation. Instead, plywood or

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Simplified design of reinforced concrete buildings

This new, fourth edition presents practicing engineers with timesaving analysis, design, and detailing methods of primary framing members of a reinforced concrete building. Revised and updated to ACI 318-11, it incorporates seismic and wind load provision

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