The Lutheran Church in Sása: a hidden gem in Gemerland’s northern regions

The Centres of Renewal have had a busy few weeks. With the arrival of good weather, the number of mayors with the intention of active community work has also increased, i.e. the requests keep coming in. We can therefore declare that the centres are working at full speed and last week we managed to complete the project that we agreed with a local activist and the priest serving in the village back in November last year. A team from Bátka, led by János Zsíros, headed north to renovate the eaves cornices of the local neoclassical Lutheran (evangelical) church in the village of Sása in the Revúca district. About Sása The first settlement of the village dates back to the Saxon colonisation, from which its name derives. The inhabitants worked in the woods and pastures, and later also burnt coal and lime, worked in the furmancy and in the nearby mines. Information about the object Evangelical church, one-aisled building with semicircular end of the presbytery, without a tower, from 1787. Burnt down in 1809, rebuilt in a classical style in 1854. The neo-Baroque altar with the image of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane dates from this period. The organ positive is classical from the workshop of the Kisel family from 1809. The interior is flat-roofed, the presbytery is vaulted with a concha. The façades of the church are plain with semicircular windows and corner curves. They are divided by lozenges with bossing and finished with a gable with pilasters, an openwork cornice and a triangular gable with a tympanum. Next to the church there is a detached bell tower on a square plan, dating from the 19th century. The bell tower has a wooden open superstructure and a spire helmet. (Source: Wikipedia) Few people know what treasures are hidden in the northern parts of Gemer, so we were delighted to be part of the renovation work on the this small but beautiful church in Sása. For more photos please visit our Google Photos Album. Project LDI02024Centres of Renewal in Gemer is supported by Norway through the Norway Grants. Co-financed by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic.

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