Painting workshop in Ostrovany (2012)

In the beginning of the summer 2012, Tomáš Rafa got an official permition for painting the walls in three towns and villages in eastern Slovakia. The first one was a protective wall in Sečovce, the second one was segregation wall in Ostrovany, and the last one was a housing unit in the city district of Michalovce – Angy mlyn. The concept of the project “Sport walls 2012″ is connected to the wider project concerning new nationalism in Slovakia and abroad, to which autor is dedicated for several years. Motive was quite clear: to point out the segregation of one part of the Slovak population and to stress that problems with adaptation of citizens in Slovakia need much more attention and cannot be solved with building a wall, whether we call it sport one or not.In Ostrovany the atmosphere was not so friendly as in Sečovce. Inhabitants of the village did not have any interest to work for free. After some time a few of them came to the place of the event and they wanted to help with work if they would be payed and if they would get cigarettes in return. Although artists agreed on their terms, on the next day only one of them came. At night they were lining the guiding lines with laser water vague by themselves, so the next day they could start with painting the coloured rainbow stripes. It was very positive, that the children were interested in work with colour, even they knew they are working voluntarily and for free. After unfriendly reaction of their parents, that wanted to get money for their work, children had to stop with painting. However, children came back to apologize about their parents behaviour. Despite of the progress of socialization there is still lacking a common interest and motivation to improve the space in which they live. 2012: Painting on the segregation wall in Ostrovany (East Slovakia) [See image gallery at] The post Painting workshop in Ostrovany (2012) appeared first on Art Aktivista Association.

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Maliarsky workshop v Sečovciach (2014)

Združenie Art Aktivista zrealizovalo Letný maliarsky workshop pre deti z rómskej osady v Sečovciach na východe Slovenska. V priebehu dvoch týždňov spolupracovali výtvarníci, dobrovoľníci a aktivisti Združenia Art Aktivista s deťmi zo sociálne vylúčených s

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Live Painting 3. narodeniny Martin /19.3.2016/

> Fotoreport < Príspevok Live Painting 3. narodeniny Martin /19.3.2016/ zobrazený najskôr JR / Weni.

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Pinhole workshop v múzeu

Počas konania výstavy v Pohronskom múzeu v Novej Bani sme zorganizovali aj workshop pre študentov Gymnázia Františka Švantnera a žiakov navštevujúcich Základnú umeleckú školu v Novej Bani. Workshop sa konal v priestoroch múzea, kde sme spolu vytvárali die

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Pinhole workshop v Trnave

V sobotu 7.6.2014 sa v Káčerovom majeri v Trnave konalo viacero akcií súčasne. Pecha Kucha Night, Dizajn TU, čítačka, DIY workshop a program dopĺňala aj tvorivá dielňa, kde sme si spolu vytvorili vlastné dierkové komory. Papierové krabičky, čierny papier,

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Maliarsky workshop v Sečovciach (2015)

Umelec Tomáš Rafa, držiteľ ceny Oskára Čepana za rok 2011, spoločne s rómskymi dobrovoľníkmi a aktivistami vymaľovali bytovku v osade Habeš v Sečovciach. Pokračuje tak v dlhodobom projekte „Športové múry”, v rámci ktorého umelci spolu s obyvateľmi rómskyc

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