Natália Trejbalová Isle of Altered Sun

On view from 28.10. – 24.11.2021 at A Promise of Kneropy, Pečnianska 7 Isle of the Altered Sun Exhibiting artist: Natália Trejbalová Curated by Ema Hesterová & Denis Kozerawski (APART Collective) PR: Chiara Rendeková Technical support: Andrej Žabkay Isle of the Altered Sun takes place on the flattened Earth and is set in the distant future of the planet. Following the flattening, the atmosphere of the Earth has undergone further changes that have led to the extinction of some and the evolution of other species, including the humans that have lost their dominant position in the ecosystem. Isle of the Altered Sun is a possible picture of the world after what can be defined as a planetary catastrophe, which has changed the perception of nature as we know it. Text by the artist The gallery program is supported using public funding of Slovak Arts Council, Bratislava City Foundation and Bratislava Region. Photography: APART Collective / Chiara Rendeková Appeared on Artalk UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("row-unique-5")); UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("row-unique-6")); The post Natália Trejbalová Isle of Altered Sun appeared first on APART Collective.

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Rekreačná chata Natália NOVINKA!

The post Rekreačná chata Natália NOVINKA! appeared first on Drevodom Orava s.r.o..

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Ministry of Loneliness

Tvorivý tím Matúš GavorníkJuraj MydlaErik PánčiDiana PavlačkováViktória RevickáDiana StrauszováTatiana TakáčováPeter TilajčíkMagdaléna Žiaková foto: Natália Zajačikovávideo: Denis Kozerawski BULLETIN Ministry of Loneliness je dielo

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Natália Ferencová

Vek: 13 Talent: hudobný talent spev Štipendium: 1 254 €

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Štátne skúšky august 2023

Štátne skúšky Rozpis študentov počas štátnych skúšok podľa programov štúdia a dní skúšok. 22. augusta 2023 (utorok) 9.00 hod. zasadacia miestnosť č. 402  Európske štúdiá a politiky Priezvisko Meno Študijný plán Baranová Alisa EŠPO BcD Gulová Kri

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Natália Bobocká

1. Povedz niečo o sebe (kde si vyrastal, čo robíš a všetko, čo ťa napadne) Detstvo som strávila v Košiciach a už na základnej škole som sa začala venovať atletike (šprint a prekážky). V puberte ale prišlo búrlivé obdobie a od športu som si na pár rokov od

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