List Ježiškovi potešte najmenších

Máte vlastné deti, súrodencov, ste učiteľkou alebo vychovávateľkou? Potešte pred Vianocami najmenších stiahnite si list pre Ježiška, vytlačte a spíšte s nimi zoznam vecí, ktorým by sa pod stromčekom najviac potešili. Táto milá aktivita ešte viac posilní čaro Vianoc v detských srdciach. Pripravila som pre Vás dve farebné prevedenia: (obrázok si rozkliknite a priblížte pre maximálne rozlíšenie) Príspevok List Ježiškovi potešte najmenších je zobrazený ako prvý na Charta Design.

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Transaction Colors Enhance Clarity in the Transaction List

Seeing a long list of Transactions may be a little hard sometimes in terms of not knowing which Transactions need to be taken care of, which are already resolved, which are closed, etc. Setting up Transaction Colors enables you to color code the Transacti

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Markup: HTML Tags and Formatting

Headings Header one Header two Header three Header four Header five Header six Blockquotes Single line blockquote: Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Multi line blockquote with a cite reference: People think focus means saying yes to the thing youve got to focus

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GRASS GIS 8.0.2 released

What’s new in a nutshell This is a stability release of the GRASS GIS 8.0 series. The most important changes include the removal of unneeded dynamic loading of GDAL libraries, and a fix in the quantile algorithm. Full list of changes and new feature

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GRASS GIS 8.2.0 released

What’s new in a nutshell The 8.2.0 release of GRASS GIS is now available with results from the GSoC 2021 and many other additions. A new grass.jupyter package is now included for interacting with Jupyter notebooks. Single window graphical user inter

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Valentín sa blíži...

Potešte svoju polovičku darčekom. Akým? Máme pre vás zopár skvelých tipov... Valentínske darčeky, aj tie malé, sú vždy milým gestom. Bez ohľadu na to, či sviatok svätého Valentína máte radi alebo ho veľmi nemusíte, potešiť svojho partnera vždy urobí obojs

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