Idiomatics and Their Semiotic Reflection in the Flow of Images and Words in Media

Abstract Phraseology is the national wealth of every language and culture in general. It is unique, has a historical thread, reflects the wisdom of ancestors and the observations of contemporaries. It can be serious, funny, instructive, figurative and direct. That is why it is productive in literature, the media space and in common colloquial language. The authors of the article follow the emergence of idioms as an element of semiotics, which can be understood as a sign. Through semiotics, one can perceive not only the creation of idioms, but also their potential interpretation for the reader or viewer and track their impact and effect on the media perceiver. Semiotics provides phraseology with a sign subsystem in media space, advertising, billboards, caricatures and in the form of images in the printed press. Roman Jakobson and Umberto Eco are semioticians who brought a new look to semiosis in general. By doing so, they expanded the field of research to unexplored dimensions. Key words  Headline. Mass media. Phraseology. Semiotic. Sign. Download paper HABIŇÁK, A., HABIŇÁKOVÁ, E.: Idiomatics and Their Semiotics Reflection in the Flow of Images and Words in Media. In European Journal of Media, Art and Photography, 2022, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 86-97, ISSN 1339-4940.

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