Agritechnica 2017

12.-18. novembra 2017, Hannover. Medzinárodný veľtrh poľnohospodárskej techniky. figure, .rollover, img, .gallery-rollover { border-radius: 0px; } .gallery-rollover { background: -webkit-linear-gradient(); background: linear-gradient(); } .rollover:after { background: -webkit-linear-gradient(); background: linear-gradient(); } .gallery-zoom-ico { width: 44px; height: 44px; line-height: 44px; border-radius: 100px; margin: -22px 0 0 -22px; border-width: 0px; } .gallery-zoom-ico { background: rgba(255,255,255,0.3); -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; } .gallery-zoom-ico:before, .gallery-zoom-ico span { font-size: 32px; line-height: 44px; color: #ffffff; } .dt-css-grid { grid-row-gap: 8px; grid-column-gap: 8px; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill,minmax(,1fr)); } .dt-css-grid .double-width { grid-column: span 2; } .dt-css-grid, .dt-css-grid { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; margin: -4px; } .dt-css-grid .wf-cell, .dt-css-grid .wf-cell { flex: 1 0 ; max-width: 100%; padding: 4px; box-sizing: border-box; } .dt-css-grid { grid-template-columns: repeat(3,1fr); grid-template-rows: auto; grid-column-gap: 8px; grid-row-gap: 8px; } .dt-css-grid .double-width { grid-column: span 2; } .dt-css-grid { margin: -4px; } .dt-css-grid .wf-cell { width: 33.333333333333%; padding: 4px; } .dt-css-grid .wf-cell.double-width { width: calc(33.333333333333%) * 2; } .dt-css-grid { grid-row-gap: 8px - ; } @media screen and (max-width: 1199px) { .dt-css-grid { grid-template-columns: repeat(3,1fr); } .dt-css-grid .wf-cell, .dt-css-grid .wf-cell { width: 33.333333333333%; } .dt-css-grid .wf-cell.double-width, .dt-css-grid .wf-cell.double-width { width: calc(33.333333333333%)*2; } } @media screen and (max-width: 991px) { .dt-css-grid { grid-template-columns: repeat(2,1fr); } .dt-css-grid .wf-cell, .dt-css-grid .wf-cell { width: 50%; } .dt-css-grid .wf-cell.double-width, .dt-css-grid .wf-cell.double-width { width: calc(50%)*2; } } @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { .dt-css-grid { grid-template-columns: repeat(2,1fr); } .dt-css-grid .wf-cell, .dt-css-grid .wf-cell { width: 50%; } .dt-css-grid .wf-cell.double-width, .dt-css-grid .wf-cell.double-width { width: calc(50%)*2; } } The post Agritechnica 2017 appeared first on Marko MT, s.r.o..

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FOOLMOONS - ÚPLŇKY 2017 : 12.1. 2017 12:35 Rak 22°24 ' 11.2. 2017 01:33 Lev 22°24 ' 12.3. 2017 15:54 Panna 22°31 ' 11.4. 2017 08:09 Váhy 22°23 ' 10.5. 2017 23:43 Štír 21°43 ' 9.6. 2017 15:11 Střelec 20°28 ' 9.7. 2017 06:08 Kozoroh 18°49 ' 7.8. 2017 20:12

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Bau 2017 – A big success!

For the first time from January 16th 21st we presented our architecture solution on BAU 2017 in Munich, Germany – and this was a big success. The presentation of our products, ideal for a wide range of applications, received an excellent feedback. Many n

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LEADER LIGHT ako partner konferencie ELETKROTEC 2017 Vás pozýva na XIII. Regionálne stretnutie elektrotechnikov východoslovenského regiónu.

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X. Konferencia ELEKTROKONTAKT 2017

LEADER LIGHT s.r.o. ako oficiálny partner konferencie ELEKTROKONTAKT 2017 Vás pozýva na X. Regionálne stretnutie elektrotechnikov stredoslovenského regiónu.

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Agritechnica 2015

10.-14. novembra 2015, Hannover. Medzinárodný veľtrh poľnohospodárskej techniky. figure,

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