Hodiny s grafickým znázornením progresu

V tomto návode vytvoríme hodiny s grafickým znázornením pokroku. Naše hodiny budú ukazovať priebeh každej sekundy, minúty, hodiny a mesiaca. index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>Hodiny s progresom</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <div id="clock" class="progress-clock"> <button class="progress-clock__time-date" data-group="d" type="button"> <small data-unit="w">Nedeľa</small><br> <span data-unit="mo">Január</span> <span data-unit="d">1</span> </button> <button class="progress-clock__time-digit" data-unit="h" data-group="h" type="button">12</button><span class="progress-clock__time-colon">:</span><button class="progress-clock__time-digit" data-unit="m" data-group="m" type="button">00</button><span class="progress-clock__time-colon">:</span><button class="progress-clock__time-digit" data-unit="s" data-group="s" type="button">00</button> <span class="progress-clock__time-ampm" data-unit="ap">AM</span> <svg class="progress-clock__rings" width="256" height="256" viewBox="0 0 256 256"> <defs> <linearGradient id="pc-red" x1="1" y1="0.5" x2="0" y2="0.5"> <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#f953c6" /> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#b91d73" /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id="pc-yellow" x1="1" y1="0.5" x2="0" y2="0.5"> <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#00B4DB" /> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#0083B0" /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id="pc-blue" x1="1" y1="0.5" x2="0" y2="0.5"> <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#8E2DE2" /> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#4A00E0" /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id="pc-purple" x1="1" y1="0.5" x2="0" y2="0.5"> <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#FF416C" /> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#FF4B2B" /> </linearGradient> </defs> <!-- Days of Month --> <g data-units="d"> <circle class="progress-clock__ring" cx="128" cy="128" r="74" fill="none" opacity="0.1" stroke="url(#pc-red)" stroke-width="12" /> <circle class="progress-clock__ring-fill" data-ring="mo" cx="128" cy="128" r="74" fill="none" stroke="url(#pc-red)" stroke-width="12" stroke-dasharray="465 465" stroke-dashoffset="465" stroke-linecap="round" transform="rotate(-90,128,128)" /> </g> <!-- Hours of Day --> <g data-units="h"> <circle class="progress-clock__ring" cx="128" cy="128" r="90" fill="none" opacity="0.1" stroke="url(#pc-yellow)" stroke-width="12" /> <circle class="progress-clock__ring-fill" data-ring="d" cx="128" cy="128" r="90" fill="none" stroke="url(#pc-yellow)" stroke-width="12" stroke-dasharray="565.5 565.5" stroke-dashoffset="565.5" stroke-linecap="round" transform="rotate(-90,128,128)" /> </g> <!-- Minutes of Hour --> <g data-units="m"> <circle class="progress-clock__ring" cx="128" cy="128" r="106" fill="none" opacity="0.1" stroke="url(#pc-blue)" stroke-width="12" /> <circle class="progress-clock__ring-fill" data-ring="h" cx="128" cy="128" r="106" fill="none" stroke="url(#pc-blue)" stroke-width="12" stroke-dasharray="666 666" stroke-dashoffset="666" stroke-linecap="round" transform="rotate(-90,128,128)" /> </g> <!-- Seconds of Minute --> <g data-units="s"> <circle class="progress-clock__ring" cx="128" cy="128" r="122" fill="none" opacity="0.1" stroke="url(#pc-purple)" stroke-width="12" /> <circle class="progress-clock__ring-fill" data-ring="m" cx="128" cy="128" r="122" fill="none" stroke="url(#pc-purple)" stroke-width="12" stroke-dasharray="766.5 766.5" stroke-dashoffset="766.5" stroke-linecap="round" transform="rotate(-90,128,128)" /> </g> </svg> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script> </body> </html> Tu sme vytvorili našu základnú štruktúru pomocou HTML, teraz naštylizujeme náš HTML kód. style.css * { border: 0; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } :root { --bgColor: #ffffff; } body, button { color: #b91d73; font: 1em; } body { background-color: var(--bgColor); height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; } .progress-clock { display: grid; justify-content: center; align-content: center; position: relative; text-align: center; width: 16em; height: 16em; } .progress-clock__time-date, .progress-clock__time-digit, .progress-clock__time-colon, .progress-clock__time-ampm { transition: color 0.2s linear; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .progress-clock__time-date, .progress-clock__time-digit { background: transparent; } .progress-clock__time-date, .progress-clock__time-ampm { grid-column: 1 / 6; } .progress-clock__time-date { font-size: 0.75em; line-height: 1.33; } .progress-clock__time-digit, .progress-clock__time-colon { font-size: 2em; font-weight: 400; grid-row: 2; } .progress-clock__time-colon { line-height: 1.275; } .progress-clock__time-ampm { cursor: default; grid-row: 3; } .progress-clock__rings { display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: -1; } .progress-clock__ring { opacity: 0.1; } .progress-clock__ring-fill { transition: opacity 0s 0.3s linear, stroke-dashoffset 0.3s ease-in-out; } .progress-clock__ring-fill--360 { opacity: 0; stroke-dashoffset: 0; transition-duration: 0.3s; } Tu je pripravená naša základná štruktúra so štýlom, teraz použijeme javascript na získanie dátumu a času. Použijeme ho aj na spustenie iných úloh. script.js window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => { const clock = new ProgressClock("#clock"); }); class ProgressClock { constructor(qs) { this.el = document.querySelector(qs); this.time = 0; this.updateTimeout = null; this.ringTimeouts = []; this.update(); } getDayOfWeek(day) { switch (day) { case 1: return "Pondelok"; case 2: return "Utorok"; case 3: return "Streda"; case 4: return "Štvrtok"; case 5: return "Piatok"; case 6: return "Sobota"; default: return "Nedeľa"; } } getMonthInfo(mo,yr) { switch (mo) { case 1: return { name: "Február", days: yr % 4 === 0 ? 29 : 28 }; case 2: return { name: "Marec", days: 31 }; case 3: return { name: "Apríl", days: 30 }; case 4: return { name: "Máj", days: 31 }; case 5: return { name: "Jún", days: 30 }; case 6: return { name: "Júl", days: 31 }; case 7: return { name: "August", days: 31 }; case 8: return { name: "September", days: 30 }; case 9: return { name: "Október", days: 31 }; case 10: return { name: "November", days: 30 }; case 11: return { name: "December", days: 31 }; default: return { name: "Január", days: 31 }; } } update() { this.time = new Date(); if (this.el) { // date and time const dayOfWeek = this.time.getDay(); const year = this.time.getFullYear(); const month = this.time.getMonth(); const day = this.time.getDate(); const hr = this.time.getHours(); const min = this.time.getMinutes(); const sec = this.time.getSeconds(); const dayOfWeekName = this.getDayOfWeek(dayOfWeek); const monthInfo = this.getMonthInfo(month,year); const m_progress = sec / 60; const h_progress = (min + m_progress) / 60; const d_progress = (hr + h_progress) / 24; const mo_progress = ((day - 1) + d_progress) / monthInfo.days; const units = [ { label: "w", value: dayOfWeekName }, { label: "mo", value: monthInfo.name, progress: mo_progress }, { label: "d", value: day, progress: d_progress }, { label: "h", value: hr > 12 ? hr - 12 : hr, progress: h_progress }, { label: "m", value: min < 10 ? "0" + min : min, progress: m_progress }, { label: "s", value: sec < 10 ? "0" + sec : sec }, { label: "ap", value: hr > 12 ? "PM" : "AM" } ]; // flush out the timeouts this.ringTimeouts.forEach(t => { clearTimeout(t); }); this.ringTimeouts = []; // update the display units.forEach(u => { // rings const ring = this.el.querySelector(`[data-ring="${u.label}"]`); if (ring) { const strokeDashArray = ring.getAttribute("stroke-dasharray"); const fill360 = "progress-clock__ring-fill--360"; if (strokeDashArray) { // calculate the stroke const circumference = +strokeDashArray.split(" ")[0]; const strokeDashOffsetPct = 1 - u.progress; ring.setAttribute( "stroke-dashoffset", strokeDashOffsetPct * circumference ); // add the fade-out transition, then remove it if (strokeDashOffsetPct === 1) { ring.classList.add(fill360); this.ringTimeouts.push( setTimeout(() => { ring.classList.remove(fill360); }, 600) ); } } } // digits const unit = this.el.querySelector(`[data-unit="${u.label}"]`); if (unit) unit.innerText = u.value; }); } clearTimeout(this.updateTimeout); this.updateTimeout = setTimeout(this.update.bind(this),1e3); } }The post Hodiny s grafickým znázornením progresu first appeared on Tvorba a správa webových stránok | Frontprog.sk.

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55% ľudí, ktorí sa pozerajú na produkt cez mobil, chcú nakúpiť do hodiny. Príspevok NÁKUPY DO HODINY zobrazený najskôr Tvorba webstránok, eshopov, hosting, správa IT od EKN.

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