Ján Figeľ, www.janfigel.eu, Brussels

News on the work and mission of Ján Figeľ

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Analýzy 24 o aktuálnej politickej situácii s Jánom Figeľom (JOJ24)

https://youtu.be/UitjjchF0-kV relácii Analýzy 24 sa moderátor JOJ 24 Peter Petrus venoval aktuálnym politickým témam. V prvej časti bol hosťom bývalý predseda KDH a bývalý minister dopravy Ján Figeľ. https://joj24.noviny.sk/analyzy-24/826474-analyzy-24-o

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Figel’ v Slovakia: Potential landmark ECtHR decision on COVID-19 related restrictions to FoRB

The COVID-19 pandemic introduced a period of unprecedented restrictions to fundamental rights, unthinkable no less than five years ago: freedom of movement, assembly, and expression, and the right to private life, among others, were all impacted. Freedom

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Arguments submitted at Europe’s top human rights court on COVID worship ban

Top EU official and former Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief, Dr. Ján Figeľ, challenges 2021 COVID restrictions on public worship at the European Court of Human Rights Worship bans are “illiberal and non-democratic,” states Figeľ, who is

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Náboženská sloboda je lakmusovým testom všetkých ľudských práv

Zlo je rozšírené, pretože má silných spojencov. Preto živme spojencov dobra: výchovu a vzdelávanie, činorodú angažovanosť a odvahu. V roku 2016 som sa stal vôbec prvým osobitným vyslancom pre podporu slobody náboženstva alebo viery mimo Európskej únie. Bo

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Religious freedom requires vigilance

In 2016, I became the first-ever Special Envoy for the Promotion of Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) outside the European Union. It was a time of mass atrocities committed by terrorists and militants of so-called ISIS against religious and ethnic mino

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The EU must not support a caretaker government in Bangladesh

Almost nine years ago, newly appointed EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini was being lauded for leading the world in standing up to the junta who usurped power away from the elected government in Thailand four months prior. Alongside the accolades

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Why Japan Should Guarantee Religious Liberty to the Unification Church/Family Federation

Why Japan Should Guarantee Religious Liberty to the Unification Church/Family Federation: A Letter to the Government Four prominent specialists of freedom of religion or belief—Willy Fautré, Ján Figel’, Massimo Introvigne, and Aaron Rhodes—call for an en

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Schuman Talk (episode 34) - Ján Figeľ

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGFsUUGF7Ykab_channel=SchumanTalksJune's edition of the Schuman Talks touches on the subject of "Defending religious freedom", with our special guest, dr. Ján Figeľ, former EU Special Envoy for promotion of freedom of relig

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Defending Faith from Fear

During COVID, Western nations did the unthinkable by banning religious gatherings and services. Many states deemed ‘inessential’ what all believers consider most essential: the act of gathering together to worship God. Ludwig Graf von Brühl I can still vi

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S mocou prichádza zodpovednosť. Čo prinesie konferencia Fórum pre Slovensko?

https://youtu.be/R3dQpzlGN1EZmena, ktorá nastala vytvorením vyšších územných celkov, bola výrazným krokom vpred, lebo umožnila proces decentralizácie. Súčasný systém správneho členenia máme na Slovensku už vyše dvadsaťpäť rokov. Môžeme po tomto štvrťstoro

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On Roots of Freedom and Peace, Schumann Centre – Amsterdam, 5/2023

https://youtu.be/DLg-5pcpbTYJán Figeľ speaking about the roots of freedom and peace.

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On Freedom of Conscience - Vilnius Academic Conference, 4/2023

https://youtu.be/ls_Fz_7SAsEJán Figeľ, the former Special Envoy for the Promotion of Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) Outside the EU, speaking on the topic of freedom of conscience.

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Súd v Štrasburgu rozhodne o Figeľovej sťažnosti, vypočuje si aj slovenskú vládu

Rozhodnutie ESĽP bude precedensom, pričom podľa Jána Figeľa síce nezmení minulosť, no bude dôležitým pre budúcnosť. Ilustračné foto: TASR/Roman Hanc Na jar 2021 vrcholila na Slovensku druhá vlna pandémie koronavírusu, vláda sa opatreniami snažila zabráni

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Complaint to European court over ban on church services amid pandemic

Photo TASR, Martin Baumann Former EU religious freedom envoy Jan Figel has filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) over the ban on church services during the corona pandemic. This was announced by ADF International, an organisa

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Former EU Envoy for Freedom of Religion tackles COVID-19 restrictions on public worship at ECtHR

Dr. Ján Figel’, former Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief outside the EU, challenges 2021 Covid restrictions on public worship in Slovakia at European Court of Human Rights. Worship bans are “illiberal and disproportionate,” states Figel’.

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