The Evolution of the Mattoni Brand Logo of the Company Mattoni 1873

Abstract Brand, branding and rebranding are phenomena of today. Brand and brand management are talked about in many contexts today, one of which is the strength and power of the brand. We are currently dealing with a number of branding and especially rebranding campaigns across the entire spectrum of products and services. What does brand, branding and rebranding bring and what does a long-term strategy in the field of rebranding look like? These are the basic questions we want to answer in our study. We chose the Czech brand Mattoni from Mattoni 1873. The goal is to show what a strategic approach to rebranding should look like and what brand and identity elements are part of it. At the same time, we want to point out that rebranding is not just a change to or updating of the logo, but that it is a conceptual and sophisticated system of logical steps that are not static, but reflect development trends. We draw information from generally available secondary data, as well as information provided by the company Mattoni 1873. The complexity, strategicness, long-term and precision of the rebranding of the Mattoni brand is an example and at the same time an inspiration for the correct grasp of the rebranding as a whole. Key words  Brand. Branding. Company. Mattoni. Rebranding. Strategy. Download paper PÁTÍK, L.: The Evolution of the Mattoni Brand Logo of the Company Mattoni 1873. In European Journal of Media, Art and Photography, 2022, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 116-123, ISSN 1339-4940.

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