The Centres of Renewal in Gemer project organized it's second professional conference

The project "Centres of Renewal in Gemer" held its second workshop/conference. The conference entitled 'Inclusion at the local levels' was hosted by the Town Hall in Lučenec, which underwent a complete reconstruction in 2017. Workshops, lectures and training sessions awaited those who deided to participate at the event between 10am and 4pm. In his opening speech, Ábel Ravasz also touched upon the fact that such professional conferences can definitely be useful for newly elected mayors, taking into account that municipalities will be under extreme pressure in the coming years.You can also check out the conference programme from Lučenec below. Photos by Csongor Bartók.

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Jestice: Municipal office in a very bad condition (Part I.)

More and more mayors of municipalities are becoming aware of the existence of the Centres, so more and more requests for the renovation of public buildings are coming in. Unfortunately, we are unable to meet all of them, so we focus first on the buildings

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Rakytník: Road to the funeral home

The Christmas holidays are over and our team members are back from their well-deserved break. At the beginning of January, only the most pro-active and active mayors contacted us with their project requests, including János Rencsok, the mayor of Rakytní

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Inclusion at the local level

The Gemer-based NGO organised its second official conference, this time in Lučenec. REPORT + AFTERVIDEO The event was attended mainly by active local residents who are holding the post of mayor in their municipality for the first time since the October

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The Lutheran Church in Sása: a hidden gem in Gemerland’s northern regions

The Centres of Renewal have had a busy few weeks. With the arrival of good weather, the number of mayors with the intention of active community work has also increased, i.e. the requests keep coming in. We can therefore declare that the centres are workin

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Centrum v Bátke dostalo posilu z Plešivca

Pomaly prichádzajú zimné mesiace a s nimi aj chladné počasie. Skôr než však mohli prísť na rad vnútorné rekonštrukcie, čakali nás plánované opravy v centre Bátka. Vzhľadom na nevypočiteľnosť počasia a množstvo práce, ktoré bolo potrebné vykonať, tím z Bá

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