Successful launch of the HBG weather balloon (Gmünder Tagespost, 24.06.2022)

Schwäbisch Gmünd. Definitely a goosebump moment: "20, 19, 18," resounded from several hundred throats on Friday at noon in the courtyard of the Hans Baldung Gymnasium (HBG). Loudly heard were the students in particular, most of whom had pulled out a cell phone. They were filming how two boys from the "Projekt:Strato" team let the giant white balloon off the line at the end of the countdown. Immediately, the two-meter giant rose into the sky. On strings, it pulled a red parachute and a box behind it, about the size of a beverage crate. The launch of the weather balloon, which a team of students from the HBG sent to the edge of the earth's atmosphere for experimental purposes with the help of the Gmünder Wissenswerkstatt Eule, was a success.

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Start des HBG-Wetterballons geglückt (Gmünder Tagespost, 24.06.2022)

Schwäbisch Gmünd. Eindeutig ein Gänsehaut-Moment: „20, 19, 18“, tönte es aus mehreren hundert Kehlen am Freitagmittag auf dem Hof des Hans-Baldung-Gymnasiums (HBG). Laut hörte man vor allem die Schülerinnen und Schüler, von denen die meisten ein Handy gez

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7 rules for a successful app

The post 7 rules for a successful app appeared first on APATrans.

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Montain and Winter Cold Weather

If several languages coalesce, the grammar of the resulting language is more simple and regular than that of the individual languages. The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European languages. It will be as simple as Oc

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Dovolenka 4.7.-14.7.2022

Váženĺ zákazníci a priaznivci značky ‍♂️ Dr. ELF, v termíne od 4.7.2022 do 14.7.2022 budeme čerpať dovolenku. Vaše objednávky vybavíme po 14.7.2022. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

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Oznam o zmene otváracích hodín počas sviatkov

Vážení pacienti, Informujeme Vás, že naša poliklinika bude mať zmenené otváracie hodiny cez sviatky: 27.12.2022 7:00 – 17:00 hod. 28.12.2022 7:00 – 17:00 hod. 29.12.2022 7:00 – 18:00 hod. 30.12.2022 7:00 – 15:30 hod. Ak máte akékoľvek otázky alebo

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