Shanghai gives nod to NFT trading platforms

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Notification: End of trading in Croatian kuna (HRK) on 31.12.2022

Croatia will become the twentieth member of the Eurozone on 1.1.2023 and will start using the common European currency Euro (EUR).

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The various applications of the floating platforms, designed and installed by BulDock

Have you ever thought that walking is that move we do without even thinking about? It’s like a part of us. But ... Read More

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Events, weddings, concerts, birthdays, anniversaries on floating platforms

Events? Organize a unique event, choose the floating water world! Do you plan your anniversary, romantic wedding party, fashion show or special ... Read More

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Raiffeisen Bank International acquires AKCENTA CZ

Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) has concluded an agreement to purchase Akcenta CZ, a payment institution that executes payment and currency trade operations for exporters and importers. According to the proposed ownership structure, RBI will gain a

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Forex (FX) - čo to je a ako na ňom obchodovať?

Iste ste už mnohokr t začuli slovo Forex alebo slovn spojenie Forex trading, no zam ľali ste sa nad t m, čo tento pojem v skutočnosti znamen , čo je to Forex? Je to skratka pre Foreign Exchange Market (v preklade dev zov trh), na ktorom prebieha obchod

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