Oral Health Foundation

Company that’s grown from 270 to 480 employees in the last 12 months, we’re always passionate about bringing tech talent to NYC. That’s why we’re especially excited to kick off the new commit. Ut maximus molestie nisi, id suscipit erat cursus viverra. Donec tristique nulla sed rutrum semper. Donec volutpat, dolor non semper semper, turpis elit volutpat felis, eget tempus quam quam id dui… The post Oral Health Foundation appeared first on Mojenohy.sk.

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Employers beware, checks are starting on occupational health service!

Employers beware, checks are starting on occupational health service! Are you an employer, but do you really provide your employees with everything that arises from your legal obligation? Obligation to provide occupational health service to each employ

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Breast Health Day – Európsky deň pre zdravé prsia (21.10.2021)

Srdečne Vás pozývame na verejno-vzdelávacie podujatie „Breast Health Day Európsky deň pre zdravé prsia“, ktoré organizuje Trnavská univerzita v Trnave Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce v spolupráci s pacientskymi organizáciami a mestom Trnava dňa

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Changes in the Health and Safety Act

On 1 July, an amendment to the Health and Safety Act entered into force. Will the changes affect you? Education and training of security technicians The most significant change in the law is the possibility to obtain authorization to educate and tr

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Future Spaces Foundation

Most times, ideacide happens without us even realizing it. A possible off-the-wall idea or solution appears like a blip and disappears without us even realizing. As a result, some of our best stuff is suppressed before even getting out into the world. Whe

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Onko Tábor začína 30.7.2022

Ani tento rok nebude chýbať tradičný onko tábor, tentokrát v rekreačnom zariadení Priedhorie Pružina. Tábor je určený pre deti s onkologickým ochorením a ich súrodencov vo veku od 6 do 18 rokov a je pre nich úplne bezplatný aj vďaka finančnej podpore

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