May I bring some LOVE to your May?

Máj je mezdinárodne uznávaný ako mesiac lásky. Mal by to byť jeden z najkrajších mesiacov roka, s príjemným slnečným počasím, s prísľubom leta vo vánku a prebúdzajúcou sa prírodou všade okolo nás. Mal by. No tohto roku do prvého mája čerešňové kvety dávno dokvitli a prísľubu leta je len ťažko uveriť. Ostáva nám dúfať, že aspoň láska nepodlieha klimatickým zmenám :) Rada by som vám preto predstavila 10 anglických výrazov, ktoré vnesú trochu lásky do vášho mája. May I? Smiem? 1. to fall head over heels in love = to completely fall in love "He fell head over heels in love with her." po uši sa zamilovať 2. love at first sight = when two people fall in love the first time they see each other "He met her in supermarket and it was love at first sight." láska na prvý pohľad 3. to be lovey-dovey = for a couple to show everyone how much they are in love "They're so lovey-dovey, always whispering to each other and looking into each other's eyes." byť "zaláskovaný" 4. to pop the question = to ask somebody to marry you "He finally popped the question! They are getting married this summer." požiadať o ruku 5. to tie the knot = to get married "We tied the knot in a little chapel in the Arkansas border." uzavrieť manželstvo (doslova zaviazať uzol s niekým) 6. to find Mr. Right = to find the right person or the perfect person to marry "She just hasn't found Mr Right yet." nájsť toho Pravého 7. to have a crush on (someone) = to have strong feelings of love for someone (often for a short time and with no results) "Lucy has a crush on a boy in our class. She turns red every time she sees him" byť do niekoho zbláznený, zapozerať sa do niekoho 8. a match made in heaven = a perfect couple, two people very suitable for each other "I can´t imagine anybody better for Jack than Andrea. They really are a match made in heaven." dokonalý pár 9. to play Cupid = to try to make two people begin a romantic relationship "Are you sure you want to play Cupid with these two?" dohadzovať niekoho niekomu (doslova: hrať sa na Amora) 10. to love someone with all of one’s heart and soul = to love someone completely "John loves Leslie with all his heart and soul." milovať niekoho telom i dušou

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Bring anything but a school bag!

Let’s have some fun and mock the traditional school bags, shall we? Starting this THURSDAY (21/10/2021) and finishing next Wednesday (27/10/2021). Bring your books and pens in a different container, such as a trolley, a cosmetics bag or in a microwave

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8 awesome idioms that´ll bring SPRING to your vocabulary

Mnohí sa už jari nevieme dočkať, a to počasie za oknami si z nás vytrvalo strieľa. Aby - keď už konečne príde - ste boli na jar poriadne pripravení prinášame vám 8 jarných idiomov a spojení, ktoré zaručene osviežia váš slovník. 1. a spring in one’s step

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Mini Creamy Chicken Noodle Bread Bowls

It’s soup season! Arlind and I are eating every bowl of ramen we come across and we’re still not ramen-ed out because how could anyone get tired of carbs and soup? Speaking of carbs and soup, I made this gem before we left: creamy chicken noodle soup in b

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Red White Blue Mini Pavlovas

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet brownie cheesecake danish jelly-o bear claw I love jelly topping. Wafer pie biscuit pudding dragée macaroon sugar plum sugar plum. I love chocolate lollipop chocolate bar topping. Icing halvah I love sweet powder pie donut I

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Muži a ženy o opustení pornografie Der Beitrag Carl erschien zuerst auf LOVE IS MORE (Slovenský).

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