Life In Circles by Retro3111

Life In Circles by Retro3111  I was born in 1984 in Poprad, where I graduated from secondary grammar school and both levels of Art school – art department under supervision of PaeDr.Rudolf Rabatin. Later in 2011 I graduated from engineering degree of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava / Faculty of Architecture / , Institute of Civic Structures under supervision of doc. Ing. arch. akad. arch. Peter Puškár, PhD. After completing my degree, I chose to stay and live in Bratislava, where I graduated my practice in various of architectional and art studios. Nowadays I practise architecture, art painting and graphics and various kinds of art. Príspevok Life In Circles by Retro3111 zobrazený najskôr flow-control.

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LIFE IS YOU konferencia v Bánskej Bystrici s plnou účasťou !

Ďakujeme účastníkom konferencie LIFE IS YOU  v Bánskej Bystrici. Vidíme sa 20.4 2024. Viac info na Príspevok LIFE IS YOU konferencia v Bánskej Bystrici s plnou účasťou ! zobrazený najskôr MentalCoach Ing. Radek Šefč

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Live Music Concerts at Luviana

Enjoy live musical performances daily at the terraced restaurant of Palmeria Hotel. Each week we invite a new band to our resort and are pleased to have Jimmy Curgyr’s jazz band as our constant musicians. You will definitely remember the sound of waves an

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Prečo si do svojej kaviarne vybrať kávovar Nuova Simonelli Appia

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Our Secret Island Boat Tour Is Just for You

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Let´s do the right thing together

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