If you thought that only hours spent in the gym would get you your perfect dream body, you are wrong. Katarína Benek, a former professional athlete (Olympic synchronized Swimmer), can show you how you can do it with her BubbleCoach program.Katarína, it is known that you were a successful athlete who even represented Slovakia on a multiple national and international levels. Can you describe how you got into synchronized swimming? What made you stop your career?„I have been involved in synchronized swimming since I was six years. It is a beautiful, but extremely demanding sport, which includes many other sports like gymnastics, ballet, acrobatics and others. That’s why I actually enjoyed it. I represented Slovakia in all age categories at dozens of international competitions, many European Championships, World Championships and at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens as well. Looking back, I enjoyed my years that I spent with friends, traveling and competitions. It has not always been easy to combine school, work and swimming, but today I see how much those years has given me. Sport will teach you to work efficiently; it will mentally prepare you for all the stress situations in life. Since synchronized swimming is not high-profile sport in Slovakia, I decided to end my career after the 2004 Olympics. It was a fantastic experience and a great satisfaction for me and my family after 17 years of hard work and lot of sacrifices. Afterwards, I became involved in an everyday life and I continued workout for fun. I currently live in Polynesia in the Cook Islands, where my husband accepted a great job offer and our son was born here as well.” Moving and working-out are still an important part of your life. But how did the idea to create BubbleCoach came across?„Originally, my intention was not to create something commercial. The whole program is a work of several years. First of all, I started to create workout program for myself, because after the end of my career, my body shape started to change, my physical condition decreased, my metabolism slowed down. After a long day at work, I was not in the mood for run or exercise anymore. In addition, I realized that without having the workout ready when I got home, I spend so much time thinking of what I was going to do, I spend hours by making decisions, looking for workout videos on Youtube or chose jogging as usually. Weeks passed and my body didn’t changed as I wanted. Even today, I see this as the most common problem in others, they feel that they are not doing progress, and they do not understand why they do not lose weight. I thought I need a plan. So, I sat down, pulled out all my diaries, studied them, and started writing down some bullet points for my own workout program. Gradually, I improved workout program and diet tips, but it was still just for myself. Soon after that, I had more and more requests from my friends who saw my new fit body. They were asking me for all my tips and tricks, so I decided to create a serious workout program available for women, men, beginners or even professionals. My biggest helpers in a beginning were sister-in-law and a few friends. Since I needed to see how the plan works on non-athletes and complete beginners. They loved the idea and helped me out.” WOMEN OF ALL AGES LOVE BUBBLECOACH PROGRAM. WHAT IS IT? WHAT MAKES THIS PROGRAM SO UNIQUE?„Well, it is designed for busy everyday life people. Women and yes, even Men. The uniqueness of the program is, that even an ordinary mother can have the results. I mean, even a really busy woman who comes home from work and well she has children, a household to take care off she will have results. Let’s be real, a personal trainer will tell you what a great results you would achieve in the gym, but for most of women, it is complete nonsense to even think that she would spend an hour in the gym, plus don’t forget about the time you need to spend by commuting and of course moneywise the gym membership or monthly pass is quite expensive in these days. So, I decided to create something special that won’t be expensive, and it’s going to be the best investment that last forever. This program really works. And you really just need to practice for 30 minutes to see results.” WHAT WE CAN FIND IN THIS PLAN?„The plan includes 12 weeks of precisely described, explained and illustrated workouts. They suit each individual and each workout is unique so the body does not get used to one kind of movement. The difficulty of workouts gradually increases. At the beginning of my program I also share my own thoughts regarding eating clean and talk about the basic rules of dieting. However, no special diet is required to achieve good results.” YOU ARE A MOTHER YOURSELF, BUT YOUR FIGURE CAN STILL COMPETE WITH TEENAGERS. IT IS ALL ABOUT WORKING OUT OR IS IT NECESSARY TO FOLLOW A SPECIAL DIET?„I’ve been practicing my BubbleCoach program exclusively for 10 years. I used to go to gym quite often, but now not at all. On the one hand, I created the plan because of which I don’t have to go anywhere, and on the other hand, I have an almost two-year-old son who is my priority. I have great results just with following my program, so I have no reason to change anything. I’m also used to the fact that the whole exercise with warming up, stretching and shower will not take me more than 45 minutes. I am not a fan of dieting, but yes, I am trying to eat healthy and because I am still breastfeeding no reduction is desirable. I think, each individual needs to understand, the goal of life is not to be constantly on a diet. The diet should be something temporary, when you need a little correction, get to great shape before summer etc.” SO, IF I UNDERSTAND CORRECTLY, YOU ARE NOT A SUPPORTER OF DIETS … DOES IT EVEN MAKE SENSE TO STICK TO THEM?„I don’t recognize diets based on omitting any of the macronutrients, such as fats or carbohydrates. I believe it is a completely unnecessary restriction. Also, diets based on eating one or two types of products, for example a melon diet or chicken breast with broccoli for two weeks, in my point of view, are completely nonsense. You will lose weight indeed. But you will lose not just fat but also muscles, and when you’ll finally finish your diet and you’ll start to eat ‘normal’, you will gain everything and even more weight back. I often tell my clients that if they want to lose weight, they have to eat properly. The program contains the basic principles of eating, which you just have to follow and you don’t have to go after any special diet. ” DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY WOMEN HAVE PURCHASED YOUR PLAN?„The program was already purchased by several thousand people. From beginners who want to lose weight, people who have never played any sport on a professional level, to top athletes who want to stay in top form during this time of quarantine. The program has really gone all over the world – from European countries, through Dubai, Shanghai, Canada, Australia or Argentina.” HOW WOULD YOU MOTIVATE WOMEN WHO STILL DON’T SEE ANY RESULTS AFTER FEW WEEKS? WHAT WOULD YOU RECOMMEND TO THEM?„Well, at the beginning, it is really necessary to take pictures and measure of your body. However, it is not always immediately visible on the scale because even if the body loses fat, you build muscles and the body retains water for few days sometimes. It is absolutely no necessary to cut the food in this stage. Consistency and regularity is what you need to achieve the best results. Some people see great results after only two weeks, someone has to wait two months. However, the effect will definitely come. With the program, you can lose even 10-15 kg/22-33 pounds in three months or tone your body into a bikini figure. Everyone will see the results.” Source: Author: Paula Kentošová

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