How to get national visa in Slovakia ?

A national visa can be granted: in relation togranting of residencein Slovakia, to a foreigner older 15 years of age who is accepted forlanguage education atalanguage schoolfor minimum of25 hoursweekly, it is necessary for the fulfilment of the Slovak Republics obligations pursuant to the international treaties; or in the interest of the Slovak republic How can I [] The post How to get national visa in Slovakia ? appeared first on Advokátska kancelária Absolonová Kornhauser.

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Temporary residence permit for employment purpose

If foreigner is interested in working in Slovakia and he is not a European Union national, he should meet different conditions depending on the type of residence, type of work he wants to perform, length of stay and other factors. Temporary residence for

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Získali sme druhé ocenenie Slovakia Superbrands Award

Naša modranská pražiareň má na konte ďalší úspech – už po druhý krát sa nám podarilo získať prestížne ocenenie Slovakia Superbrands Award.

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Elegantné tričko slovakia

Drvivá väčšina internetových obchodov ponúkajúcich tričká na Slovensku používa cliparty alebo voľne dostupnú grafiku pre návrh oblečenia. Tričká s motívom Slovenska nie sú žiadnou veľkou výnimkou. Pri zbežnom hľadaní v e-shopoch nájdeme desiatky tričiek s

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Energy budget planning for global companies in the Czech Republic

The global and national online business and online shopping have increased for the past 20 years has laid a fabulous success curve in global growth. In 2000: e-commerce sales of € 1.3 billion in Germany In 2020: e-commerce sales of around € 60 billion in

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How to get temporary residence for executive director in Slovakia?

Temporary residence permit may be granted to an executive of a commercial company for the foreseen duration of business in maximum period of 3 years. Where to apply for temporary residence permit for executive director? When submitting the application at

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