Even in the most challenging situations, such as the military conflict in Ukraine, Chemosvit Fibrochem s.r.o. helps. We cannot imagine how difficult it is for people to wake up in The post HELP FOR UKRAINE appeared first on

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Clusters meet Regions in Košice

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission and in partnership with the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, the Union of Slovak Clusters, the Ukrainian Cluster Alliance and the Enterprise Europe Network, organised th

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ABYSSES APART, Boris Ondreička, Ján Ballx, Jozef Mrva ml.

Opening: 11.3.2022 18:00 On view until 11.4.2022 Exhibiting artists: APART, Boris Ondreička, Ján Ballx, Jozef Mrva ml. He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes

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Hľadáme dobrovoľníkov

Priatelia, kolegovia,konflikt na Ukrajine stále pretrváva a preto aj našou snahou pomôcť čo najväčšiemu počtu ľudí, ktorí našu pomoc potrebujú. Z tohoto dôvodu stále hľadáme ďalšie posily do nášho teamu. V prípade že by  niekto z Vás  chcel pomôcť  ako do

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Sankcie voči Rusku Často kladené otázky

Úrad pre verejné obstarávanie zverejnil na svojom webovom sídle neoficiálny preklad materiálu vydaného Európskou komisiou k článku 5k NARIADENIA RADY č.833/2014, ktorý je spracovaný formou odpovedí na najčastejšie otázky v súvislosti s uplatňovaním sankci

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Apply for Humanitarian Coordination Training delivered by RedR

In the last two years, the region of Central Europe has seen two major humanitarian crises – Covid 19 and the ongoing war in Ukraine. Civil society organisations had to increase their capacities in both numbers and expertise. Therefore, we offer this tra

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