Awards: TDK honors best distributors

TDK recognized its best distribution partners in Europe for the 10th time with the European Distribution Award 2023. The gold award in the International Distributor category went to Avnet Abacus. In the e-Catalogue Distributor category, Mouser Electronics was honored. Best Local Distributor is the German company Beckmann Elektronik.

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SPA Awards kürten dank look! LeserInnen die Top-Wellnesstempel.  Knapp 6.000 LeserInnen wählten ihre Favoriten in 11 unterschiedlichen Kategorien.  Der Award BEST FAMILY SPA ging an das Hotel Hasenauer (Hinterglemm, Salzburg) und wurde durch unseren Ge

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Erstmals seit der Pandemie konnten die look! Business Awards am 05. September wieder vor Publikum verliehen werden. Mit der Vision, inspirierende Unternehmerinnen und Visionärinnen in den Bereichen Business, Technologie und Nachhaltigkeit auszuzeichnen ve

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INSAID AWARDS 2022 náš interiér zaujal porotu a postúpil do užšieho výberu. Príspevok INSAID AWARDS 2022 náš interiér zaujal porotu a postúpil do užšieho výberu. je zobrazený ako prvý na LINEAR.

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Join PCB Connect at  Wroclaw, Poland is a one-day event dedicated to professionals in electronics design and production. The event is a tabletop fair with several insightful lectures and accompanying events. Come, refresh relationships with existing partners and meet new people from

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The 2017 Tony Awards Looked Beyond Broadway

Quae vero auctorem tractata ab fiducia dicuntur. Magna pars studiorum, prodita quaerimus. Curabitur blandit tempus ardua ridiculus sed magna. Sed haec quis possit intrepidus aestimare tellus. Fictum, deserunt mollit anim laborum astutumque! Tu quoque, Bru

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